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Można się już przygotować do zabawy w dniu 1 czerwca - w tym artykule znajdziesz kilka (dokładnie 24) dziecięcych zagadek w języku angielskim - to jedna z wielu szkolnych atrakcji w Dniu Dziecka.


1. A Homeless Man
A homeless man picks up cigarette butts discarded in the street. He can make one cigarette with 5 butts. Today he is lucky, he found 25 cigarette butts. How many cigarettes will he make?

2. The Birthday Mystery
A girl was 13 on her last birthday, and will be 15 on her next birthday. How is this possible?

3. The Apples
John and Susan both have some apples. If John gives Susan an apple, they will both have the same number of apples. If Susan gives John an apple, John will have twice as many as Susan. How many apples do John and Susan each have?

4. Three days
Name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday.

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1. Peter’s Dog
Sam told his mother that “Peter’s dog can jump over his house!”. At first his mother did not believe that but after Sam explained, his mother smiled and believed that Peter’s dog can jump over his house, indeed. What did Sam explain to his mother?

2. Sam and Charlotte
Sam and Charlotte were born at the exact same moment, but they don't have the same birthdays. How could this be?

3. The Three Boxes
Three closed boxes have either  apples, bananas, or both, and they are labeled “Apples”, “Bananas”, and “Mixed”. However, each box has the wrong label on it. You may open one box only to see its contents. Which box should you open to determine the contents of all three boxes?

4. Not Your Brother
You are my brother, but I am not your brother. Who am I?

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1. Ten More Strawberries
You and Margaret have the same amount of strawberries. How many does Margaret need to give you in order to have 10 more strawberries than her?

2. With Just Two Numbers
What is the largest possible number you can write using only 2 numbers - just 2 numbers, no other mathematical symbols?

3. A Family in Trouble
A father is sent to jail and the mother will have to sell her hotel. But their 16 year old daughter is laughing and looks happy and excited. If they all love each other more than anything in the world, and no one has a mental disorder, how can you explain the girl’s attitude?

4. The School Bus
This is a school bus. Can you tell which way is the front of the bus facing (left or right)?

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1. Two Stray Dogs
Two stray dogs are sitting together and talking about their fleas. The first dog says, “We would have the same number of fleas, if one of your fleas jumped onto me!”
The second dog then says, “And I would have 5 times as many fleas as you, if one of your fleas jumped onto me!!” Can you find how many fleas each dog has?

2. Who was the doctor?
A doctor and a boy were walking. The boy was the doctor’s son, but the doctor was not the boy’s father. Who was the doctor?

3. A Strange Relationship
A 62 year old woman and a 16 year old girl walked into a restaurant. A man walked past and the women both said "hello father". Is this possible?

4. The Very Last Place
Every time you lose something, you always find it in the very last place you would look. There is one simple, logical and indisputable explanation for this. What is that?

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1. Race to the top of a tree
A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree. Who will get the banana first?

2. Train
An electric train is travelling south so, which way is the smoke blowing?

3. Friday
On a horse, Scott rode into town on Friday. He stayed for two days and then left on Friday. How is this possible?

4. Five men
Five men went to church, and it started to rain. Four men ran but got wet on the way while the one who stayed behind remained dry. How is this possible?

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1. How many tickets?
A grandmother, two mothers, and two daughters went to the movies and bought one ticket each. How many tickets did they buy in total?

2. How many seconds?
How many seconds are there in a year?

3. Multiplication
If you multiply this number by any other number, the answer will always be the same. What number is this?

4. Which weighs more?
Which weighs more: one hundred pounds of feathers or one hundred pounds of concrete?

Zmieniony ( 31.05.2021. )
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